UNCIAL done with FUNK in mind

taught by Faye Maxfield

Saturday, September 21, 2024

10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

at the

Utah Cultural Celebration Center

1355 West 3100 South • West Valley City, UT



"The lettering is funky Uncial and or funky Bookhand. If you have any weird or tried and true pens you want to play with or papers, you can bring them, but not needed!"


  • Two Speedball C-2 nibs and nib holders
  • A Speedball C-0 nib and holder
  • Graph pad –– 8 squares to the inch
  • Slant board if you use one.
  • Dark writing fluid such as Higgins Eternal or Walnut Ink
  • Pencil, ruler, pencil sharpener and eraser
  • Any weird tool you would like to play with.
  • Paper towels
  • Water container and water
  • An Apron to keep you clean.

Faye will supply odds and ends and material for a small book!

Please go to the "2024 Handouts" tab at the top of this page and

print the September handouts. They will be ready next week!

You will need the handouts to participate.

SOMETHING SPECIAL IS HAPPENING ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. UCA WILL SPONSER THE BOOK FAIR AND "TRY & BUY" THAT DAY!  Once again our Carol Snyder will have lettering supplies and tools for us to "Try and Buy."  John Neal will be sending us books that deal with calligraphy and related subjects.

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